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Nursery in the Cloud

Choosing Your Nursery Management Software Wisely

In the blink of an eye it seems cloud based nursery management systems have transformed the way traditional paper based nurseries operate causing many nursery owners to reshape everything they do and It’s now a case of when they migrate to the cloud not If.

From, one click invoicing to online registrations the cloud allows nurseries, parents and staff easy access to information to make nursery life easier to manage. For most nurseries that’s a lot of information available any time you need it 24/7.

The aim of any nursery management system should put you in control by providing an easy to use system that has all the features you will require to manage your nursery admin, produce your invoices, run your registers and show your future availability to maximise your occupancy alongside a host of other benefits.

The key ingredient is that it should be easy to use. This is the most important factor for all nurseries to consider as a well-designed, easy to use nursery management system will make your nursery life easier to manage, reduce time spent on admin and ensure all your invoices are accurate giving you peace of mind and firmly puts you in control.

Technology Investment

When buying nursery management technology it should be considered an investment into your nursery as the management system will be responsible for managing your registration and invoicing process providing you with critical business information and a significant amount of reports that you will rely on reporting live and accurate nursery management information for you to make well informed decisions.

Remember buying technology is not like buying pens and paper and you should choose your technology partner wisely as they will be managing a lot of nursery management information for you. You will be reliant on the reports the system produces and the invoices it creates, so good systems are worth their weight in gold.

Unlock The Power Of Your Nursery Website

Nurseries can also embed 6 website forms onto their existing nursery website. These are Show round, registration form, job application form, terms and conditions of registration, parent admin and nursery admin. These will be beneficial to your website marketing and you should see an increase in website traffic along with a few more registrations.

Parent Admin

Running alongside your nursery management system should be your parent admin system allowing parents to view invoices, account history, outstanding balances, voucher payments and their child’s booking pattern and by providing this nurseries will see a significant reduction in parent admin queries.

How Much Nursery Management Systems Cost?

Most nursery management systems range in price from £30 per month to £100 per month with an initial set up cost of around £500. Try not to make price your decision making tool as the right system should always save you time and money as well as to grow your revenue.

Access From Anywhere

Cloud based software allows you to securely login with your own user name and password from any computer, laptop or mobile device with internet access. Your not restricted to individual computers and you will always have access to the information you need.

Free Unlimited Support

Well-designed nursery management systems should be easy to use and require very little training or support. Legacy systems tend to be clumsy and difficult to use and so require constant support.

Software Agreement Term

Contract terms for nursery management systems tend to be around 24 months and some may extend this with a 12 month exit clause so be careful when you sign on the dotted line.

Does Your Software Company Understand Your Nursery

The vast majority of nursery management software companies have never owned a nursery business or understand the complexities of running one. Make sure the software company you choose understands the business processes you use on a daily basis and be careful who you choose as the right technology partner can make your nursery life easier to manage.

Save Time & Money With Our Nursery Management System

We would expect a 50 place nursery employing 15 staff to reduce nursery admin by 75% with a time saving of 50 hours per month at £10 per hour that’s a monthly saving of £500 per month or £6000 per year. The introduction of parent admin will also significantly reduce your parent admin queries.

Grow Your Nursery Revenue

We would also expect a 50 place nursery invoicing £30,000 per month to see a 5% revenue increase on introduction of the nursery management system equating to £1500 per month or £18,000 per annum.

To find out more why not book a free trial here.

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